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Conflict of Interest Statement

Conflict of Interest Statement

As an esports organization committed to fairness, transparency, and integrity, we recognize the importance of maintaining clear boundaries and addressing potential conflicts of interest. In adherence to these principles, we hereby establish the following conflict of interest policy:

Coach-Director Conflict

In the event that a coach of one of our teams holds a simultaneous position as a director within our organization, it is imperative to ensure that no undue advantage is gained by the team coached by said individual. To mitigate any potential bias or conflict of interest, the coach-director shall recuse themselves from any decision-making processes or discussions directly involving their team. Additionally, the organization reserves the right to involve an impartial third party or another director to mediate and resolve any conflicts that may arise from this dual role.

Third-Party Resolution

Should a conflict of interest arise that cannot be effectively addressed internally or if there are concerns regarding impartiality, an independent director not involved in the conflicting situation shall be designated to review the matter and make impartial decisions in the best interest of the organization and its stakeholders.

By implementing these measures, we affirm our commitment to upholding the highest standards of fairness, equity, and ethical conduct within our esports organization.