Idaho Esports Association, Inc
50 Jeffres Lane
Sandpoint Idaho 83864
Location: Virtual
Time: November 15, 2023 4:30 PM Mountain/3:30 PM Pacific
Call to Order
- Dalton Hawkins
- Nate Sarrazolla
- Gericke Kohn
- Mitchell Young
- Rigby Middle School is gearing up for
- Sandpoint Middle School
New Business
- Distribution of LeagueOS invites
- Survey Results
- Looking promising, more data analysis needed
- Set game days
- High School
- Rocket League - Wednesday State is Friday
- Valorant - Tuesday State TBD
- Overwatch - Thursday State TBD
- Apex - 4:30 Mountain/3:30 Pacific on Wednesday State on Saturday
- Smash Bros - Tuesday State TBD
- Middle School
- League of Legends Thursday
- Rocket League Wednesday
- Smash Bros Thursday
- Valorant Tuesday
- Kart Wednesday
- High School
- Gem Prep
- Online School
- Let’s try it, check how they’re doing, put in big school league
- Look at if impacts in-person schools
- In person for state qualifier
- Vetted school
- Let’s try it, check how they’re doing, put in big school league
- Online School
- Middle School start age
- 6th is allowed
- PlayVS news
- “If they’re not selling to you, they’re selling you”
- Why free?
- IEA is Idaho school playing Idaho schools and kept in Idaho
- Media
- Twitch: Idaho_esports
- X already
- YouTube
- League of Legends
- HS interest - make clear no in-person state
- January
- Nate running a trial event for Apex
Old Business
- Bank account update
- Still waiting, the whole in-person process is necessary to finish (who has time for that?!)
- Nate Thanksgiving or more likely Christmas break
- Mitch Same
- LeagueOS training
- YouTube Page - Looms (OBS because free) with voice over
- Training day is individual issues
- Nate - Setting up custom lobbies
- Dalton to provide ideas on streaming multiple desktops
- NDI system
- Srt system
Executive Session
Next meeting December 13 4:30 Mountain/ 3:30 Pacific Dalton will have a bunch of tweens in his room