Idaho Esports Association, Inc
50 Jeffres Lane
Sandpoint Idaho 83864
Location: Virtual
Time: 10/18/2023 3:30 pm Pacific 4:30 pm Mountain
Call to Order
- Mitchell Young
- Dalton Hawkins
- Nate Sarrazolla
- Gericke Kohn
- New Schools Joining:
- Gem Prep - in progress
- Bosie School District - locked in, need training
- They’re figuring it out - hopefully we can train them up
- Adults have an interest in kids playing, doesn’t mean gamers
- Bonners Ferry - in progress
- Idaho Falls School District
- 2 MS & an elementary 6th grade
- 3 HS
- Hosting a SE HS invitation (Jan 27th)
- Ririe MS?
- Some middle school charter school in Rexburg (in Madison County)
New Business
- Remove Andrew
- Removed, still an active participant and willing to help
- Add Gericke
- Added
- Candid
- Board member training?
- “Staff/volunteer training”
- Go with LeagueOS
- Need approval on contract
- Available on request
- Approved with stipulation on direct alcohol sales (open to discretion)
- Need approval on contract
- Plan a coach meeting/training for LeagueOS
- Record for those who can’t make it
- New coach training - links on YouTube, linked on website
- Acknowledgement of TOS
- Returning coach training - links on YouTube, linked on website
- LeagueOS is the required communication platform all match related.
- Boise requested early November - mostly new to esports
- Dalton available Nov 3
- Game selection
- Offer exhibition (no state event) titles? A couple hs mentioned Mario Kart and LOL as an interest.
- Make very explicitly clear, no state event. It’s a ‘to gauge interest’ activity.
- Not really plausible for the organization right now. A school is welcome to build something on their own.
- Ruleset checks
- Smash: College looks more 4v4
- Valorant: Map ban till one
- Overwatch: Flashpoint 3rd. Double check college
- Map pools - check at end. Map freeze or keep with competitive
- Coaching - spectator slots? Move people NDI Dalton make documentation on how
- Offer exhibition (no state event) titles? A couple hs mentioned Mario Kart and LOL as an interest.
- Logo selection
- Color scheme
- Dot logo and header logo
- same or different?
- Send out Nate’s form in every avenue
- Add discord tag
- Regular Meeting schedule
- Nov 15th @ 4:30 mountain, 3:30 pacific
Old Business
- Bank account status
- ICCU - Nate making account, Mitch to follow and simultaneously make one for IEA
- PayPal Charity - will try with Sandpoint and see if it credits the account under a name?